About Me
Hello, welcome to my website, NoodlesTwo.com. I am Tou Ger and I am a student at Western in the Web and Software Development program there. The reason why I'm taking the IT Software and Web-Developer program at Western is because I found programming to be interesting and fun with the many things that you can create and the feeling of accomplishment when I found a way to make a program run the way I want it to, for the program to work. One thing that I have been really into lately as well is cooking, and just making some of the foods that I have random cravings for, forexample I had a craving for curry so I made curry.
Some background to some of the images on the homepage of this website is that they are images of a gorilla and a monkey (does this need further explaination). The second image is of Harambe the gorilla (RIP Harambe xxxx-2016). The first image is of a smiling monkey because I like monkeys as they are funny. This website is currently under construction and will be finished whenever I finish it, which you could expect it to be not soon, and it will be used for many purposes (maybe).